Previous News Articles

The Gamechanger – Changes Are Possible
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is the only Viable Solution for existing mushroom farms but some changes are inevitable as pickers change to a more automated solution.
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The Gamechanger – Improved Grazing
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is the only Viable Solution for existing mushroom farms and should aid in the implementation of Graze Picking in your mushroom farm.
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The Gamechanger – Mushroom Damage?
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is the only Viable Solution for existing mushroom farms and it doesn’t damage the mushrooms when it lifts them off the belt and accurately places them in the container.
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Mushroom Presentation with the Gamechanger
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is the only Viable Solution for existing mushroom farms and it can improve mushroom presentation in the container.
There are several ways the Gamechanger may improve presentation.
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Greater Yield with The Gamechanger
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is the only Viable Solution for existing mushroom farms and has numerous benefits in the harvesting of mushrooms. One of the most important is the possible increases in crop yield. Yield increases come from several areas.
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The Gamechanger says – Yes
Everyone has questions and we have the answers. We have listed many of the most frequently asked questions above.
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The Gamechanger – Innovations proved by testing
There are many variables in mushroom harvesting and the Gamechanger and its integrated lift system needs to cater for all of these variables. Everything plays a part in the end result.
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Big Versus Small
Over many years the big companies have been continually peddling the story that you need to invest big with big equipment and a big new farm to get efficiencies. This view has been backed by advertising, investment and years of promotion.
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Why So Long?
Many people ask why has it taken so long to develop the Gamechanger? This is a very valid question and deserves an answer.
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What’s The Secret?
The reason this project has taken so much time is in the development of the software to control such a complex combination of requirements.
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The Only Viable Solution
We know that the Gamechanger is the only viable solution for harvesting mushrooms.
We have summarised the reasons why that is…..
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Continuous Innovation & The Gamechanger Lite
We are very excited to show you our new affordable solution THE GAMECHANGER LITE.
This solution answers direct requests from our customers who need a Rapid Wholesale Harvesting solution.
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Enhance Presentation & Weighing Accuracy
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is designed to enhance mushroom presentation in the packaging and accurately weigh the contents.
It does this in the following ways….
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Harvesting With The Gamechanger
It is important to learn the best way to use the Gamechanger and then to build on a good technique to gain speed.
Some of these hints are below and you can watch the video at the bottom to see some techniques in a live environment
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Improve Yield
Although the Gamechanger was designed to double picking performance we found that crop yield was also improved. On further investigations we found improvements in excess of 10% on all the tests. The reasons we believe that crop yield improved are as follows….
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Picking Rates
The Gamechanger has been designed to more than double picking rates over a short period of time.
It does this in the following ways….
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Production Growth
The Mushroom Machine Company is one of N. Irelands most exciting businesses and it is experiencing exponential sales growth worldwide. After a nine year journey of Research and Development the company has several innovative products which are set to revolutionise the mushroom industry.
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Global Implementation Tour
The Mushroom Machine Company are currently working on implementations of the Gamechanger & Gamechanger Pro in Mushroom Farms globally.
Take a look at the videos below to see the Gamechanger Pro in operation.
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Mushroom Days 2023
We have just returned from the Mushroom Days 2023 exhibition in the Netherlands and would like to thank everyone who came to visit us over the duration of the exhibition.
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The Mushroom Machine Company Ltd has made significant investment in Research & Development to deliver the best product to increase mushroom harvesting in existing infrastructure.
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Mushroom Machine Company
14B Altona Road East,
Blaris Industrial Estate,
Co. Antrim, BT27 5QB

Tel: 0044 (0)28 9252 8488

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