Enhance presentation and weighing accuracy
How does the Gamechanger enhance presentation and weighing accuracy?
The Gamechanger semi-robotic harvesting aid is designed to enhance mushroom presentation in the packaging and accurately weigh the contents.
It does this in the following ways:
- The Gamechanger helps focus the picker on picking of the same size of mushrooms. Conformity of size enhances overall presentation
- The stalks are cut the same length so mushrooms are more likely to sit in the same position in the packaging
- The Gamechanger lifts the mushrooms from the belt and places then in packaging in a pre-programmed regular position depending on the selected packaging size
- The suckers have a very light touch with low vacuum required for the lifting and placement so mushrooms have no damage on the placement
- Selectable mushroom sizes on the touchscreen can reduce or increase drop distances so the mushroom is placed rather than dropped
- The mushrooms are lifted by either 2, 3, 4 or 5 vacuum suckers, depending the selection for size of packaging, size of mushroom or the Gamechanger version. By placing mushrooms in multiples (as opposed to single mushrooms) mushroom placement stability is greatly improved
Weighing accuracy
- The weighing module accurately weighs the mushroom contents of the packaging
- The Gamechanger is constantly calculating how many mushrooms is required and may lift single or multiple mushrooms to fulfil the weigh
- The weighing mechanism zero’s the weighing scale on each punnet load
- The weight data is captured on the Gamechanger and transferred to the central data system via wireless
- Running un-weighed punnets through the check weigher is not only additional work especially when you have to add or remove mushrooms. This may cause brown marks and damage to mushrooms
- Overweight or giveaway value is consistently calculated so precise pricing values can be ascertained over time
Request a live demonstration and let the machine do the talking!
Give us a call 0044 (0)28 9252 8488 or email us: sales@mushroommachine.co.uk