The Gamechanger Pro
The Gamechanger Pro
The Gamechanger Pro is a one person operated, Semi-robotic mushroom harvesting aid that is designed to handle boxes and large trays as well as punnets/tills, with all the main functions easily controlled from a central point that can double picking rate, improve presentation and increase yield. It does this by accurately trimming stalks, placing mushrooms in punnets/tills, weighing punnets/tills and capturing the data.
It’s the very latest in mushroom harvesting technology.
View the specifications below and the video at the bottom of this page.
Its specifications are:
Gamechanger Pro is able to pick up to a maximum of 5 medium cups depending on the size of mushrooms or packaging. If smaller packaging (e.g 135mm x 170mm) is used the Gamechanger Pro may only pick up 3 mushrooms at a time. Packaging may be rolled backwards and forwards on the weighing module to ensure even placement of mushrooms in larger containers.
It has a compact frame with dimensions of 500mm width, 1370mm long inclusive of picking arm and 860mm high (slightly deeper than the Gamechanger to accommodate the higher boxes and trays).
Configurable user-friendly software equipped to show all relevant performance information, cater for numerous languages, and can be controlled by a 7” touch screen interface and powered by a powerful compact Intel computer.
Gamechanger has the ability to use a punnet de-nester or punnet slide. The Software can be configurable to use either. Clear or coloured punnets/tills can be used as well as plastic or recyclable material packaging.
Sizes of punnets/tills (approximate)
110mm wide – 190mm long
120mm wide – 140mm long
140mm wide – 180mm long
140mm wide – 240mm long
120mm wide – 265mm long
170mm wide – 180mm long
180mm wide – 270mm long
190mm wide – 190mm long
Sizes of boxes and large trays (approximate)
225mm wide – 315mm long
270mm wide – 355mm long
260mm wide – 510mm long
310mm wide – 400mm long
Weighing module accurately weighs mushrooms in the packaging with a zeroing function on punnet load. Module uses cords to greatly reduce any dirt that may happen to fall on the weighing module. The Gamechanger calculates the number of mushrooms required to achieve the required weight and may lift 1, 2 or 3 mushrooms in order to get to that weight.
The Gamechanger works as one integrated unit when combined with the Mushroom Machine Personnel Lift and Machine Lift. These provide horizontal movement on normal rails as well as variable vertical positioning for personnel and machine lift.
The power requirement is 24volts (2 x 12volt 60Ampere hour batteries) and can provide power for 12 to 14 hours when fully charged. Batteries are transported in a specially designed trolley that clips easily onto the Machine Lift and provides power to all the equipment.
A rotational cleaning brush is occasionally used for cleaning the vacuum suckers during operation with programmable prompts. The Gamechanger is designed so any falling dirt is directed into the bin. Cords are used on the weighing module to reduce dirt capture. Mushroom arms, magnetic cups, dirt trays, stalk bins, blade front slide and suckers can be easily removed for cleaning. When moving from growing room to growing room one should wipe down flat surfaces and spray the Gamechanger lightly with Sporekill from Nutrigain.
Mushroom belt arm can be easily removed for cleaning, using a different cup size or belt arrangement. Belts and cups can be chosen to suit the crop being picked. Different sizes of magnetic detectable cups can be attached to belts to cater for mushrooms sizes from baby buttons to 80mm cups.
Adjustable stalk cutting mechanism which can be varied from the front position. Blade is easily removed for cleaning. There is also an attachment to allow double cutting of stalks if required.
Large capacity stalk bin with bottom opening for speedy emptying. An optional double cutting stalk bin can also be provided as an option.
The user-friendly software can be upgraded remotely and remote troubleshooting support can also be provided. Software can link directly to the Mushroom Manager central data management system using wireless technology. The Gamechanger will retain the information if no wireless is available and will transmit when wireless comes in range.
Advanced Pick & Place with adjustable precision picking and placement positions which can be dependent on mushroom and punnet sizes.
Mushrooms are lifted using vacuum at low PSI values which ensures there are no marks on the mushrooms even when viewed after 7 days. The suckers and spring mechanism is designed to ensure all mushrooms are lifted and no mechanical pressure is placed on the top of the mushroom.
Mushrooms are lifted in groups from the belt and placed in the packaging in groups in a predefined arrangement to improve mushroom presentation in the container. Packaging could be rolled forward or back to ensure placement is even in the container. The release height can be easily programmed from the touch screen.
Easily transportable from growing room to growing room on a purpose-built trolley.
Enlarged shelf space available, allowing empty packaging to be accessible easily when in operation as well as other needed items.
Request a live demonstration and let the machine do the talking!
Give us a call 0044 (0)28 9252 8488 or email us: