The Gamechanger – Big Versus Small

The Gamechanger - Big verses Small

Over many years the big companies have been continually peddling the story that you need to invest big with big equipment and a big new farm to get efficiencies. This view has been backed by advertising, investment and years of promotion.

However, the Gamechanger has provided a SMALL option. What if the Gamechanger could provide the efficiencies in your existing farm with minimal expense, within a small timeframe, maybe weeks?

With the possible improvements in harvesting given by the Gamechanger range of products you need to consider the following points with regard to other options;

a) The Risks. The Gamechanger allows you to “dip your toe in the water” rather than run the risk of an all or nothing strategy. The Gamechanger can be implemented in stages. You don’t need to overcommit and it allows you to make the relevant changes in your staffing, renumeration and training. Small changes are easier to produce than bigger ones.

b) The Time Involved. To obtain the land, work the planning, chose the design, get the funding, get the contractors and overcome all the other unforeseen difficulties takes time. Time is a cost and time involved in managing a building project reduces the amount of time you can spend on your business.

c) The Costs. With inflation running at an all-time high any budgets for the building of a new farm will probably be grossly underestimated in the current economic climate.

d) The Technology. It’s just possible that the big option may not be able to provide the economies that are expected as newer technologies come to the fore. Mushroom producers need savings now, but are the figures really proved on a big investment. Could the technology in the Gamechanger be the outsider or may it be something else in 3-5 years?

e) The Growing Strategy. The Gamechanger fits in with your existing growing strategy. By changing existing growing strategies growers can increase picking rates, but this often comes with a reduction in yield. This doesn’t seem to be a good option.

f) The Results. Are big results only founded on big equipment? The Gamechanger can actually provide the results promised by big systems. If you can get those big results with small investment and with small equipment it seems the logical step. Think results.

If you want more information on our small solution delivering big results, contact us or email.


Mushroom Machine Company
14B Altona Road East,
Blaris Industrial Estate,
Co. Antrim, BT27 5QB

Tel: 0044 (0)28 9252 8488
E: Mushroom Machine Sales

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