Improving picking rates with the Gamechanger

The Gamechanger - Improving picking rates with the Gamechanger

There are a number of very important ways that the Gamechanger and Gamechanger Pro can help you to increase picking rates and reduce your staffing requirements.

1.  Enabling the picker to pick the mushrooms with 2 hands.

2.  Reducing the tasks a picker has to do. The picker no longer has to:
      a) Cut the stalks.
      b) Work out where to place the mushrooms in the container.
      c) Weigh the mushrooms.
      d) Pull the trolley along.

3.  Accurately cutting the stalks will increase the yield by around 5-10% and reduces the number of mushrooms needed to get the correct weight.

4.  Automating the trolley speeds encourages pickers to graze the crop and by picking bigger mushrooms, we can further increase picking rates.

5.  By halving the number of pickers in the room we greatly reduce congestion in the normal picking rooms and making it easier to sure pickers are supported with staff removing full crates, replacing empty crates, emptying stalk waste, changing batteries, etc.

6.  Ensuring pickers on the Gamechanger develop a consistent routine, switch on machine quickly, have enough trays/punnets, clean gloves and everything they need.

The Gamechanger allows new pickers to achieve significant picking rates in very quick time. For example, we have seen a picker who picked less than 10kgs per hour for the first week actually pick over 30kgs per hour after 1 week on the Gamechanger Pro.

For more information check out the videos, contact us, email or call us on WhatsApp.

Mushroom Machine Company
14B Altona Road East,
Blaris Industrial Estate,
Co. Antrim, BT27 5QB

Tel: 0044 (0)28 9252 8488

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