2024/2025 Customer Letter
Dear Customer
Just to keep you all personally updated. 2024 has been extremely busy with continued development, consistently improving the performance of the Gamechangers and eliminating any problems we could spot. In view of our experiences, we have made several mechanical changes and software adaptions that we have found in testing to be advantageous to the operation of the machines.
In 2025 we have NOW moved to another stage in our development. With the Gamechanger, Gamechanger Pro and our new Articulated Floor Supported Lift we believe we have what it takes to concentrate on the next step, which is installations.
Our priorities over 2024 have been:
Usability – We have made the machine as easy to operate as is possible. We have done this by improving the software in numerous ways.
Flexibility – We can now basically handle mushroom placement in any type of punnet, singularly or in any tray arrangement with the Gamechanger Pro by pressing a box on the screen. We have updated the Gamechanger to further improve its performance with single punnets. We can easily adapt setting as required for training mode or experienced pickers.
Reliability – We have over the past year improved the software and thus reduced the complexity of the electronics. We have eliminated any bugs that we have encountered and we have found the Gamechangers to be very reliable.
Moveability – With the development of the floor Mounted Lift we can now easily move the Gamechanger / Gamechanger Pro from row to row and from room to room without having to dismantle the picking infrastructure. This has previously been highlighted as a significant issue and we now have a future proof Floor Supported Lift.
Capability – We have expanded all our capabilities to enable us to further develop, design, build and implement devices. We have gained experience in what is required to train and implement the Gamechangers in a mushroom farm. We intend to further expand our staff as required over the coming months.
Credibility – We have further developments already in the design stages. Our development cycle is also continually speeding up. These enhancements will be phased in over the next 12 months which will further improve harvesting results. This includes our stacking system. We will shortly be introducing a software upgrade that will prompt pickers with hints as how to better improve their picking techniques while highlighting what they are doing incorrectly. However, we know we have more than enough now to produce credible results.
Affordability – We have worked very hard to keep our equipment affordable and we continue to aim to produce solutions which deliver results in new and older farms and which are affordable to obtain, with a very quick Return of Investment (ROI)
Our activities in 2025 will be data driven and performance orientated and with our software we can monitor results and thus continue to improve based on the best techniques improved over time.
I intend to concentrate on picking in the coming months so I can set the pace with regards to performance of the Gamechangers measured in kgs per hour & lbs per hour picked.
2025 will be a year when we put all our knowledge and work into practice.
See you all soon.