
Gamechanger Battery

The Gamechanger is normally powered by 24 volt batteries. These are normally 2 x 12 volt 60 ampere hour AGM batteries which can fit easily onto the battery trolley (330mm x 255mm).
Batteries will normally power the Gamechanger and lift for approximately 12 to 14 hours. However, to get the best performance from the batteries and prevent deterioration over time it is helpful to not totally discharge the batteries and it is essential to charge the batteries as soon as possible after discharge. It is also important that the batteries are charged slowly over a period of time rather than using a quick charge. Smart Chargers should be used to ensure batteries are not overcharged which can reduce battery life.

If batteries deteriorate, devices with a desulfator function can be used to improve performance.

Lithium batteries would have significant advantages over AGM batteries as they are smaller, lighter and retain their performance even after more charges. However, they are significantly more expensive.

Battery Dimensions for 1 battery that we use is 220mm long x 130mm wide x 200mm high with terminals adding another 40mm to height.


Request a live demonstration and let the machine do the talking!

Give us a call 0044 (0)28 9252 8488 or email us:

Mushroom Machine Company
14B Altona Road East,
Blaris Industrial Estate,
Co. Antrim, BT27 5QB

Tel: 0044 (0)28 9252 8488

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